Summer Online RDM Mini-Workshops are back!

Gearing up for 2023: Tips for the New NIH Data Management & Sharing PolicyWe are gearing up for the 2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy with data experts providing their insights and services to help you write and implement a successful DMP. These are free, open sessions featuring short presentations and provide an opportunity for discussion with the research data community. Workshop slides and video recordings can be found on the Open Science Framework.

Schedule of RDM Summer Mini-Workshops divided by the topics planning, store & share, and data ethics. Details below in the article.

This summer we are helping you prepare for the forthcoming NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. Join us Wednesdays at 12pm EST throughout the summer to learn about the various aspects of data management that will allow you to comply with the policy successfully. Offices from across the university will provide their expertise and outline their services available to help. We invite Harvard research staff, faculty, and postdocs to review the forthcoming NIH Policy prior to attending, and then bring your questions for discussion at each session. Please register for each session for the zoom link. Visit the Countway Library Calendar for easy registration.

Workshop slides and video recordings can be found on the Open Science Framework.

Workshop Dates, Topics, and Experts:

Workshop slides and video recordings can be found on the Open Science Framework.