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IEEE DataPort is a research data platform for researchers, engineers, and scientists to upload all types of standard and Open Access datasets up to 2TB or 10 TB for Institutional Subscribers. Users can upload datasets in a variety of formats including CSV, TXT, ORC, Avro, RC, XML, SQL, and JSON to one of more than 25 defined data categories. Once uploaded, datasets are easily accessible and include metadata and supporting documentation to help users better understand how each specific dataset can be found and analyzed.

Compare IEEE DataPort to other options in the Harvard Biomedical Repository Matrix.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the content of this page. Last updated: 2023-11-13

Features & Specifications

  • Data Size and Format

    File Size Limit: No individual file size limit. For large datasets, upload a series of files that are 100 GB or less. For datasets with a large number of files (>100), compress your upload(s) using the ZIP and/or GZIP format.

    Dataset Size Limit: Up to 2TB of storage or 10 TB for Institutional Subscribers for each dataset.

    Data Types and Formats Hosted: The categories of data available currently include Astronomy, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Demographics, Environmental, Financial, Power and Energy, Security, Sensor, Signal Processing and Social Sciences data.

    • The following formats are currently supported: ZIP, GZ, gzip, CSV, JSON, TXT, SQL, XML, TSV, EBS, Avro, ORC, Parquet, HDF5, 7Z, TBZ2, ISO, tar, BZ2, Z, XLS, XLSX, GRAPH, properties, OFFSETS, FLAC, OGG, WAV, AAC, MP3, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, M4V, YAML, DAT, MAT, FIG.
  • Data Licensing

    Waiver: Datasets on IEEE DataPort are made available under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licenses which require attribution.

  • Data Attribution and Citation Tools

    • Datasets on IEEE DataPort are made available under CC-BY licenses which require attribution. Any use requires citation. IEEE DataPort includes a Cite button on each dataset page so a user can easily obtain the proper citation for the dataset. The citation provided by using the Cite button is provided in multiple formats to facilitate easy attribution.
    • IEEE requests all IEEE DataPort users to review and agree to specific legal terms of use prior to utilize IEEE DataPort. Terms and conditions are available through a link on the site and must be agreed to before a dataset can be uploaded.
    • A DOI will be generated for your dataset and will appear in the top section of the dataset page.
  • User Access Controls

    Option to Share: IEEE DataPort is a self-monitoring system with feedback mechanisms so users can provide comments on datasets.

  • Data Access Tools

    Search: To search, access, and analyze datasets on IEEE DataPort, you first need to create a free IEEE account or login with your existing account. After logging in you can search datasets by entering keywords in the search bar or by browsing the dataset categories. Once a desired dataset is located you can access it by simply clicking on the dataset.

    Download: Users need to subscribe to access and/or download Standard datasets on IEEE DataPort. Open Access datasets are available to all registered users of IEEE DataPort.

    Proprietary File Format Access: IEEE DataPort is data agnostic and will allow any format of dataset to be submitted for storage on IEEE DataPort. The provision of metadata, tools and/or supporting documentation allow the user to understand how each specific dataset can be analyzed.

    Data Analysis: You can then view and analyze the dataset. If you do not have sufficient storage and computing capacity on your local system to perform the analysis, IEEE currently provides access to the dataset in the Cloud to facilitate the analysis. Once your analysis is complete, you can upload the analysis by clicking the “submit an analysis” button directly below the dataset image.

  • Cost

    Standard Dataset: Free

    • Must be IEEE Paid DataPort Subscriber to Access Files


    Open Access Dataset: $1,950

    • There is an up-front fee that will be processed before the Open Access dataset can be uploaded to IEEE DataPort.
    • All users may access files


    IEEE DataPort Subscription: Individual & Institutional tiers

    • An individual subscription allows you to view, download and/or access in the cloud all datasets, store your own research data at no cost, and access data management features. Individual subscriptions are free for all IEEE Society Members or $40/month.
  • Other Features


    • All users may submit a standard dataset up to 2TB free of charge.
    • Citation authors can be input with respective ORCID identifiers and this will enable authors to have the dataset asset included in their ORCID list of assets.
    • Ability to automatically link research data to the research paper; dataset will be accessible to readers of the article if the article is published on IEEE Xplore.



    • Open Access option is available for a fee.
    • Limited metadata, user controls, and versioning features available.