Completed Project Pilot
The Data Management Plans subgroup formed due to interest from the group to compile existing documentation and develop additional materials for project-specific Data Management Plans (DMPs).
In 2019, the subgroup investigated DMP resources offered by external institutions, including the DMP Tool. In 2020, the subgroup created an HMS Biomedical DMP template for the DMPTool; this template was meant to allow researchers to use as they submit applications to funding agencies. The HMS Biomedical DMP Template was published on the DMP Tool in April 2021. These templates can be found on the DMP Tool page of this website.
In 2021 and 2022, the subgroup evaluated the new NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy to prepare LMA for the 2023 implementation. Subgroup members participated in planning outreach to impacted stakeholders ahead of the new requirements. In 2022, the subgroup developed training for data management and sharing, incorporating the HMS DMP Tool template. Training materials for the NIH DMS Policy can be found on the Open Science Framework.
In 2023, subgroup members supported the LMA research community surrounding the implementation of the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.
Below are the subgroup yearly goals and accomplishments from 2019-2023.
Yearly Goals & Accomplishments
- Explore next steps for the subgroup based on the LMA research community needs
- Share relevant NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy discussions, questions, concerns, and needs from respective meetings and LMA institutions
- Plan outreach to impacted stakeholders ahead of new NIH data sharing and data requirements (January 2023) (completed)
- Develop training for the new HMS DMP template, and incorporate into RDM Seminars (completed)
- Ongoing assessment and planning for updates to HMS-relevant DMPTool templates (completed)
- Publish the HMS DMP Template on the DMPTool by April 2021 (completed)
- Evaluate the new NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan Policy to prepare HMS for 2023 implementation (completed)
- Plan to restructure the subgroup in order to address new NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan Policy (completed)
- Ongoing assessment and planning for updates to HMS-relevant DMPTool templates (completed)
- Create a Data Management Plan template using the DMPTool to provide to researchers as they submit applications to funding agencies (completed)
- Create a Data Storage Plan template to provide to researchers when they request additional storage space through HMS IT
- Identify labs/groups for possible outreach based on requirements to produce lab data management plan guidance and templates (completed)
- Create a general DMP workflow and identify resources for each step of the process
- Create a Data Storage Plan template to provide to researchers when they request additional storage space through HMS IT
- Investigate other tools and DMP resources offered by external institutions (completed)
- Explore the DMPTool, including metrics (completed)
- Recruit additional members to the subgroup, including researcher perspective (completed)
- Identify groups for possible outreach based on requirements to produce a Data Management Plan