Announcing Fall 2024 Data Lifecycle Training

2024 Fall classes offered by LMA training groups. See the text-based version below.

There are many groups on the Longwood Medical Campus that offer data-related training. Check out these classes across the data lifecycle. Explore all offerings from these campus experts:

Accessible version of the schedule

  • 2024 Fall classes

    Plan & Design

    1. September 24 (in-person) - Managing Research Data Efficiently
    2. September 26 (virtual) - Project and Lab Onboarding
    3. October 31 (in-person) - Data Horror Stories: Avoid the Nightmare
    4. November 19 (virtual) - Writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan

    Collect & Analyze

    1. September 19 (virtual) - Intro to MATLAB
    2. October 10 (virtual) - Research Computing: Intro to Python
    3. November 20 (virtual) - Basic Shell
    4. November 21 (virtual) - Research Computing: Intro to O2
    5. December 5 (virtual) - RCBio: easy and quick HPC pipeline builder & runner

    Store & Evaluate

    1. October 22 (virtual) - Introduction to the General Records Schedule
    2. October 24 (virtual) - Computing Strategies and Resources
    3. November 22 (virtual) - Managing Paper Records: Off-Site Records Storage
    4. December 17 (virtual) - Managing Electronic Records: Shared Drives and Emails

    Share & Publish

    1. September 18 (virtual) - Interact with your data using R Shiny
    2. November 14 (virtual) - Principles of Finding and Citing Data
    3. December 3 (in-person) - Research Management: Tools for Open Science
    4. December 12 (virtual) - Data Sharing in Repositories