Data sharing is essential for expedited translation of research results into knowledge, products and procedures to improve human health.
In the last decade, it has become increasingly common for researchers to make their data available to others when they complete a study. This is usually referred to as data sharing or data publishing. Data sharing is growing mostly due to recent data policies from journals and funders.
Image: Ainsley Seago. "To deposit or not to deposit, that is the question." doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001779. Shared under CC-BY License.
Other Considerations
How can I maximize my data's reuse?
Share data and code in open trusted repositories
Use persistent links from publication to data and code
Citation to data and code should be a standard
Document data, code, workflows, and computational environment
Use open license for your code and data
Make use of a data provenance tool
What is reproducibility and why does it matter?
Reproducibility and Replication (National Science Foundation) (see Reproducibility)
Reproducibility: the ability for a researcher to replicate the results of a prior study using the same materials and procedures used by the original investigator (reproducibility)
Replication: the same procedures are followed but new data are collected (replication)
Empirical, Computational, Statistical Reproducibility (Stodden, 2014)
Empirical: data and collection details are made freely available
Computational: code, software, hardware, and implementations details are provided
Statistical: details on choice of statistics tests, model parameters are provided
How do I handle proprietary data?
You may find yourself in a situation where your ideal sharing method or repository is at odds with data sharing requirements
For example, your institution or funder may insist the data you’ve collected is proprietary (see Data Security) which could limit you from publishing in journals where open data is required
In either case, you should make sure your data is available to editors and reviewers at your selected journal so they can properly evaluate the work
In order to share you may be able to make a de-identified or subset of the data available (see Clinical Data Management)